Too Many Socks

I just realized that the main reason I still have DVDs and books is so that other people can look at them and make a judgment about how awesome I am. They are decorative. This is the age of Netflix and Amazon. I don’t need all those things taking up space. Rare is the time when I absolutely must watch a particular film immediately. And being such a slow reader, I doubt I will be re-reading anything any time soon.

So I’m going to liquidate all my DVDs and books that aren’t rare or hard to get. I’m tired of dragging them around. If people need to know the movies and books I like, they can check any number of online sources.

2 Comments on "Too Many Socks"

  1. Anonymous says:

    You’re absolutely right. I’m netflixing, but haven’t been able to bring myself to part with non-rare dvds…yet.

  2. Dan says:

    Whaa?!? Next thing you’re going to tell me is that you’re tossing out your Encyclopedia Brittanica too!

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